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Tantrik in Bihar

Tantrik in Bihar

Bihar, a state rich in spirituality and history, is well-known for its close ties to Tantra. This age-old, mysterious, and frequently misinterpreted practice is widely prevalent in the state. Tantrik in Bihar is dispersed throughout, each with their own customs and beliefs.

The Essence of Tantra:

Contrary to common belief, tantra is not just about rituals or black magic. This deep spiritual path aims to use the body’s energies for spiritual development and emancipation. Tantrik practitioners engage in a vast array of disciplines, such as mantra chanting, yoga, meditation, and ceremonial worship.

Tantrik in Bihar: A Diverse Landscape:

  • Siddha Babas: People revere Siddha Babas for their extreme ascetic practices. These holy men often inhabit remote regions of Bihar. People believe they possess miraculous powers and a deep understanding of Tantra.
  • Aghoris: People associate Aghoris with Tantra; they are famous for their unconventional practices and their deep worship of the goddess Kali. They often meditate and perform intense rituals near cremation grounds.
  • Traditional Tantrik Mentors: Bihar is also home to numerous traditional Tantrik mentors who follow established lineages and practices. They offer guidance and initiation to those seeking to learn and practice Tantra in a structured manner, one of them is Ramapada Acharjee.

Popular Tantrik Practices in Bihar:

  • Shakti Sadhana: Worship and devotion to the Divine Feminine, or Shakti, is a central aspect of Tantrik practices in Bihar. Various Shakti temples and shrines dot the state, attracting devotees from far and wide.
  • Mantra and Yantra Sadhana: The use of powerful mantras and yantras is integral to Tantrik practices. People believe these tools channel divine energy and bring about desired transformations.
  • Rituals and Ceremonies: Tantrik in Bihar perform various rituals and ceremonies, some of which are elaborate and involve the use of specific offerings and mantras. People believe these rituals invoke blessings and remove obstacles.

The Allure and Challenges:

Tantra’s attraction stems from its assurance of swift spiritual development, control over the material and subtle worlds, and the acquisition of superhuman abilities. One should exercise caution when approaching Tantra, and consult genuine practitioners for guidance. Negative outcomes may result from misguided actions.


Tantra has flourished in Bihar because of the region’s rich spiritual legacy. Although the state has a thriving Tantrik tradition, it is important to discern between those who practice Tantrik in earnest and those who take advantage of people’s beliefs for their own gain. Realizing the true meaning of Tantra and approaching it with discipline and reverence can start a life-changing spiritual journey with the help of Tantrik in Bihar.

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