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Removing Blockages & the Significance of Shani Jayanti

Removing Blockages & the Significance of Shani Jayanti

Shani Jayanti, also known as Shani Amavasya, marks the birth anniversary of Shani Dev, the Hindu god associated with justice, karma, and Saturn. This day is particularly significant for those seeking to appease Shani and overcome challenges or “blockages” in their lives.

Significance of Shani Jayanti

This year, it will be celebrated on Thursday, June 6, 2024. It commemorates the birth anniversary of Lord Shani Dev. Shani Dev, a stern figure, dispenses karma based on your actions. His influence, though challenging, ultimately guides you towards growth and self-improvement. Shani Jayanti is a revered occasion to:

  • Seek blessings: Devotees pray for Shani’s grace, seeking good health, prosperity, and relief from hardships.
  • Appease Shani: Those facing the effects of Shani Dosh (afflictions due to Shani’s placement in their horoscope) observe special pujas and rituals to appease him.
  • Embrace discipline: Shani represents discipline and hard work. This day is a reminder to introspect on our actions and strive for a more disciplined life.

Removing Blockages

Shani Jayanti offers a powerful opportunity to remove blockages that may be hindering your progress. Here are some practices you can incorporate:

  • Prayers and Mantras: Devotees chant the Shani Dev mantra “Om Sham Shanescharaya Namah” or recite the Shani Chalisa, believing them to be particularly beneficial.
  • Donate: Donating black sesame seeds, iron items, or dark clothing to the underprivileged is said to please Shani Dev.
  • Fasting: Observing a fast on Shani Jayanti is a common practice to cleanse oneself and gain Shani’s favor.
  • Self-reflection: Use this day to reflect on your past actions and commit to living a more righteous life.


Shani Jayanti is a sacred occasion to seek Shani Dev’s blessings, remove obstacles, and embrace a more disciplined life. By incorporating prayers, self-reflection, and acts of charity, you can leverage this powerful day to move forward on your path.

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