Tantric practices deeply root Navamundi Asana, a highly advanced and esoteric yoga posture, in profound spiritual significance. It is not commonly practiced pose.
What is the Navamundi Asana?
The practitioner, in this unorthodox asana, perches precariously atop nine symbolic skulls or heads, a sight both unsettling and intriguing. The symbolism of the nine skulls, however, is much more profound. Three of the skulls represent each of the nine doors of the body that are, two eyes, two ears, two nostrils, a mouth, anus, and genitals. They portray the liberation of one’s physical elasticity and reaching a pure spiritual body.
The Spiritual Aspect
Navamundi Asana is often associated with the concept of mahasiddhis or the idea of great spiritual powers. With proper practice and focus on this pose, practitioners believe that this pose will unlock their minds to the unconditional wonders of the universe. Some believe it unlocks the higher realms of existence and helps one escape the endless loop of reincarnation.
The Risks and Precautions
Only under the supervision of a qualified yoga teacher should you attempt the exceptional practice of Navamundi Asana. The stresses this pose places on the body and the mind are considerable and unsupervised practice may result in physical injury or disturbances to the practitioner’s spirit.
The Importance of Ethical Practice
The use of actual skulls in this practice annoys and offends many adults, causing great controversy. Many yogis and spiritual practitioners of today claim that there is need for a concerned and caring practice. They suggest using symbolic images of the skulls or using their imaginations to gain the same spiritual effects without physical destruction.
Navamundi Asana continues to impress and puzzle as it is a pose and an intriguing shape in which one can be during the yoga and the tantrik practices. Even though it is a dangerous and difficult pose, it still captures the interests of yogis and budding ascetics. We must treat any effort involving this practice with great consideration, care, respect, and extensive knowledge of its spiritual implications.