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Marriage Line – Ramapada Acharjee

As per the Best Jyotish in India, marriages are made in heaven, and the lines in the palm tell a lot about your love life. Marriage ties two individuals together in one knot. A successful marriage indicates deep bonding between the couple.
The marriage line on your palms can forecast a lot about your conjugal life. It predicts the love and affection of two people. One should take the mounts of Venus and the heart line into account before predicting anything about them. The first condition is that the line of love should be very clear for a successful marriage. The mounts of Venus should be strong enough to have a good romantic and sexual life.

Origin of the marriage line as per the Best Jyotish in India:

The marriage line is located just below the little finger and above the origin point of the heart line.
How do I find out what my marriage age is?

  • If the marriage line is in the middle of this distance, it means marriage is around 25 years old, and the nearer the marriage line is to the heart line, the earlier the age of marriage.
  • Indications of successful marriage life
  • A clear, long line of marriage with no breaks or the presence of an island indicates a very successful married life. a long and happy relationship.
  • It is to be noted that only a strong line indicates marriage. The presence of a few small lines near a deep line only indicates a romantic relationship.
  • One person maintains connections with two others, the thickness of the lines signifying the varying intensity of each bond.
  • If the marriage line starts with a fork, it possibly indicates delay or frustration at the start of a relationship
  • If the marriage line ends with a fork, it may mean that it ends with a separation.
  • The lines on your palm known as “Marriage Lines” hold little significance for many palm readers.
  • If it is crossed by a girdle of Venus, it means the partner is nagging
  • Other important things about marriage line.
  • Instead of relying on “Marriage Lines,” palmists focus on other aspects of your hand.

Four places on the palm offer vital clues for a careful reading of marriage prospects. These areas are:

  • The Mount of Mercury: The Mount of Mercury Line should be relatively long, clear, and easily traceable. Shorter lines indicate only an influence or amorous relationship. Parallel to the heart line, one or more lines, popularly known as ‘lines of marriage,’ appear on the palm.
  • Lines rising from the Line of Life
  • A cross on the Mount of Venus.
  • Lines coming from the Mount of the Moon and touching the Line of Fate. These lines should not intersect.


Instead of making a definitive statement (“marriage would not take place”), acknowledge the possibility of these conditions leading to marriage in the future.

Please contact Mr. Ramapada Acharjee, the “Best Jyotish in India” or the “Best Astrologer in India,” for more information.

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