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Guru Chandal Dosha Nivaran Mahapuja

Guru Chandal Dosha Nivaran Mahapuja

The harmonious vibrations generated by the Guru Chandal Dosha Nivaran Mahapuja can lead to improved understanding and communication in relationships. Among these, Guru Chandal Dosha, also known as Rahu-Guru Yuti, stands out as a particularly challenging alignment. The alignment of Guru (Jupiter) and Rahu (the North Node), considered inauspicious. Guru Chandal Dosha is said to unleash a wave of obstacles, disrupting careers, straining relationships, and hindering overall well-being.

Kashi, the sacred city of Lord Shiva, boasts the Shri Brihaspati Temple, a place steeped in celestial lore. Legend, as recounted in the Kashi Khand, tells the tale of Guru Grah (Jupiter). It is said that the wise Sage Angiras performed his devotions to Lord Shiva here. Deeply impressed by Angiras’ dedication, Lord Shiva bestowed upon him the title of Devguru Brihaspati – the Guru of the Gods. Gave a revered position among the Navagraha, the nine celestial bodies. As this 20 June, Thursday falls Jyeshtha Shukla Chaturdashi, one can perform the puja.

To combat the adverse effects of Guru Chandal Dosha, a powerful Vedic ritual known as the puja is performed. This elaborate ceremony aims to appease the malefic influences of the planetary alignment and restore harmony in the individual’s life.

Significance of Guru Chandal Dosha Nivaran Mahapuja:

The puja holds immense significance for those seeking to mitigate the negative repercussions of Guru Chandal Dosha. This comprehensive ritual encompasses a series of Vedic chants, mantras, and offerings, meticulously performed by experienced priests. The specific elements of the puja may vary depending on the individual’s unique astrological chart and the severity of the Dosha.

Benefits of Performing Guru Chandal Dosha Nivaran Mahapuja:

The benefits of undergoing Guru Chandal Dosha Nivaran Mahapuja are multifaceted, encompassing various aspects of life:

  • Alleviation of Obstacles: Through the puja, devotees seek to remove blockages and setbacks that hinder their personal and professional growth.
  • Improved Relationships: The Guru Chandal Dosha Nivaran Mahapuja actively fosters better understanding and communication within relationships through the harmonious vibrations it generates.
  • Enhanced Financial Stability: Through the puja, devotees seek to remove blockages and setbacks that hinder their personal and professional growth.
  • Mental Clarity and Emotional Balance: The puja aims to restore mental clarity, reduce anxiety, and promote emotional well-being.
  • Spiritual Advancement: The puja is believed to facilitate spiritual growth and connection with one’s higher self.

Conducting the Guru Chandal Dosha Nivaran Mahapuja:

Experienced Vedic priests guide the performance of the Guru Chandal Dosha Nivaran Mahapuja at sacred temples or designated venues. The puja involves the following steps:

  1. Sankalpa: The devotee sets a clear intention for the puja, seeking to nullify the negative effects of Guru Chandal Dosha.
  2. Ganesh Puja: The puja commences with the invocation of Lord Ganesha. The remover of obstacles, to ensure a smooth and auspicious ceremony.
  3. Kalash Sthapana: As the central focus of the puja, a sacred vessel filled with water. They establish it, adorned with auspicious symbols.
  4. Navagraha Puja: The puja involves offerings to the nine celestial bodies, seeking their blessings to weaken the malefic influences of Guru Chandal Dosha
  5. Guru Chandal Dosha Nivaran Mantra Japa: Devotees chant the specific mantra associated with Guru Chandal Dosha repeatedly. Creating a powerful vibrational energy to counteract the Dosha’s negative effects.
  6. Havan: Priests ignite a sacred fire, offering ghee, grains, and other sacred substances to the deities. The flames devour these offerings, carrying the devotee’s prayers and intentions heavenward to the divine realm.
  7. Brahmin Bhojan: The ceremony concludes with the offering of a sacred meal to the officiating priests, a gesture of gratitude and respect.
  8. Dakshina: The priests receive a symbolic offering in appreciation of their guidance and expertise.d expertise.
  9. Visarjan: The devotees ceremoniously immerse the sacred Kalash in a water body, symbolizing the puja’s completion and the release of positive energies into the universe.


The Guru Chandal Dosha Nivaran Mahapuja stands as a testament to the profound power of Vedic rituals as per the best astrologer in Kolkata. It is to restore balance and harmony in an individual’s life. By seeking the guidance of experienced Vedic priests and wholeheartedly participating in the puja, individuals can potentially mitigate the adverse effects of Guru Chandal Dosha and pave the way for a brighter, more fulfilling future.

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