Astrology is currently gaining a large cultural acceptance that has not been seen since the 1970s. This change began with the advent of the personal computer, accelerated with the Internet, and reached new heights through social media.
The results of a survey show that more and more people are now turning to astrology. People who know their horoscope start checking their horoscope every day for career, business, or love. And with the advent of smartphones, the number has grown exponentially.
People often interpret the popularity of astrology as resulting from the decline of organized religion and the rise of economic uncertainty. In times of crisis, people seek something to believe in. England launched the first newspaper’s astrology column in August 1930, and it became very popular at the time. Since then, many newspapers around the world have published it.
It is common to say that people seek certainty in uncertain times. But what astrology gives is not certainty; it is distance. Just like a person, it can be easy to accept things about himself when he realizes that he was born this way.
An easy way to deal with uncertainty is to demand certainty. Another is to learn to live in uncertainty, to find comfort and even beauty in what is and should be unknown. Astrology makes it possible to view world events from a less reactionary point of view. It believes that history is not a linear story of upward progress but rather that it moves in cycles.
For many centuries, drawing an astrological chart required some familiarity with astronomy and geometry. Today, a chart can be created instantly and for free on the Internet. Astrology is available everywhere on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, as well as in downloadable workshops, classes, and webinars. The mobile app opened a new frontier.
Fifteen years ago, astrology was not as widespread as it is today. Suddenly, this new trend came. The number of young astrologers has more than doubled in the last few years. The corporate world has also noted the public’s appetite. There are websites and apps that can predict horoscopes online, and people can read them every day with just one click.
The return of astrology manifests itself as a content business in addition to traditional spiritual practice. Astrology is a bit like psychoanalysis. You may have heard that someone explains himself through the sun, moon, and rising signs. It’s not just what you’ve heard. Who is saying this? Those who see no conflict between using astrology and believing in science. The change is encouraging a new generation of practitioners.
Some questions: Why is this happening to me? What makes me like this? Assume that you are the person who is thinking about the events of life, and if you are unsure about this, then you want to meet a genuine astrologer.
Widely an online astrology consultant can combine everything from your deepest secrets to offensive intentional displays, your accomplishments and shortcomings, your financial position, marital and sex life through a single description.