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Astrology for Business-Related Issues

Astrology for Business-Related Issues

As the term “busy” itself implies, business difficulties can keep one involved and struggling (busy) for a very long time. The word “business” is undoubtedly appealing since it connotes having more and, more crucially, increasing money. The most important quality for someone in company is that they should naturally be passionate about running a firm. A person shouldn’t be persuaded to pursue a career in business by societal influences, inheritance, familial history, peer pressure, or the simple idea of “let’s try this.” It might be harmful. Take help of Vedic Astrology for Business-Related Issues from all aspects.

It has enough rules and regulations to tell you what to do, when to do it, and with whom to do it. It also includes instructions on how to safeguard your company. Any hasty or negligent judgment could result in permanent problems.
Therefore, it is essential to meet for a few minutes with a reputable astrologer and have your horoscope used to inform any significant business decisions. These days, business-related topics are so broad that it is impossible to cover everything in a single article or blog post. Thus, to the best of my ability, I will select the key highlights of business-related topics and include links to more in-depth explanations when necessary. Let’s now get into a bit more detail about the topic.

How Astrology helps in Business-related issues.

The planets themselves weren’t helping the company out. A person should fundamentally possess some unique abilities or qualities that a business requires. Depending on the kind of business one wishes to run, these qualities may or may not have the same proportionate relevance and impact. However, a person should possess some or all of these basic qualities before starting any kind of business. The first of the business-related issues is a horoscope, which explains which of these features are available in you and disregards the impact of these attributes as read through your planets. At some point, not having these qualities will cause obstacles in your business.

A certain business skill or ability is supported by a particular planet; if one lacks these, success in business may materialize, but it may do so only momentarily. The planets that support particular business talent are now listed below.

How do planets support business skills  

PlanetTraits helpful in Business
SunGives courage and resourcefulness
MoonA calm mind and self-confidence to act wisely
MarsGives energy, initiative and ability to deal with competitors
MercuryAbility to enter profitable deals and communication skills
JupiterPositive attitude and wisdom and ability to profitably expand business
VenusGives an analytical mind with affectionate and polite behaviour to deal with customers
SaturnCourage, stability and inner strength to tolerate ups and downs in business 
RahuAbility to deal with challenges
KetuAbility to explore new avenues in one’s field of business

You selected a wrong line of Business.  

This is another crucial factor in determining which area of business is best for you. You can’t do every kind of business. Here, the many planets in a horoscope adequately reveal which person will succeed in what business. Again, the Horoscope provides general guidance regarding which planet is supportive of particular business ventures.

A short table on this is produced below:

Which planet supports which business?

PlanetMain lines of business it Signifies
SunDealing in copper, gold, chemicals, medicines and dealing with government
MoonRelated to banks, hospitality, liquids, milk, travelling,
MarsCopper, fire, electricity, Welding, engineering, arms, ammunition, sharp objects & law
MercuryMarketing, Comm. services, research, editing, journalism, accounting, Astrology, Astronomy
JupiterFinance, related to religious bodies, education, related to children etc. law
VenusLuxury items, women’s clothing and items, interior work, designing, vehicles, architecture,
SaturnStones, oil, mining, judiciary, cement, building-materials, leather, engg. railways, medicine
RahuTravelling, inventing, goldsmith, astrology, liquor, machinery, photography, radio, casinos.
KetuTours, travel, surgery, secret services, space related exploration, Yoga, flying etc.

Business issues after starting the business. 

After making the best choice regarding these two factors, we must deal with Astrology for Business-Related Issues as we continue to operate our company. In most cases, the businessperson discovers which specific issue might be bothering him. Whether it’s because of a commercial partnership, a run-in with government regulations or policies, improper handling of finances, staff misconduct, or something else entirely. Let’s attempt to pinpoint these problems in business and see whether astrology can offer any remedies.

Joined hands with wrong people:

We frequently pursue commercial alliances as part of our expansionist corporate vision. Too many cooks can occasionally ruin the soup. The partner’s lack of a business yoga in their horoscope may be the most significant aspect in this case. Even though you are the best for business, this could have a very negative impact on your company. This partner may be a member of the family or not. Additional factors could include the partner’s predisposition to conceal or manipulate, their dishonest personality, or a secret agenda. These items are all clearly visible on numerous charts, the most prominent ones being D-10, D-12, and D-60. Astrology for Business-Related Issues all the recommendations needed to analyse any such aspect associated to your business-related problems, after which it is definitely possible to take preventative action.

Clashes/contradiction with the Govt rules and policies.

Yes, you can get guidance on how to defend yourself against government regulations by properly interpreting your horoscope. Understanding how and when government regulations and policies may impact your company can be helpful. Usually, it occurs when someone overreacts or is overconfident. One can battle with a competitor, a group, an individual, or an employee, but not with the government when there is an issue. Your D-9, D-10, D-12, and D-60 Charts can be properly screened in order to analyse such issues. These factors have the effect of causing one to lose all acquired money and dignity in addition to facing grave repercussions including seizures and even incarceration.

The business started falling suddenly.

Sometimes, despite our best attempts at business yoga, we notice a sharp decline in sales. This may be the result of human error, excessive violence, or avarice. However, a closer look at the horoscope reveals that several hostile planets are to blame for it. These planets behave so shrewdly and clumsily that we are unaware of them until we reach the lowest point. You can tell who is an obvious friend or enemy, but not who is an enemy under false pretences.

There could be many other issues like:

1. The improper investments were made by you. indicates that you made an incorrect or excessive investment.
2. Inappropriate business diversification. You were forced to enter unprofitable commercial ventures due to the expansion of your enterprise. Occasionally, a manufacturing will enter the real estate market.
3. Discontent among the workforce. Your company’s success is not solely dependent on you; it could also be influenced by the fate of one of your employees. However, as we get bigger, we often disregard or minimize the value of employees.
4. Matters concerning Vastu. Yes, this can also play a big role in producing problems in the corporate world. In this case, a single Vastu Shastra screening could be extremely important.

Similar problems may be the source of dissatisfaction in the company. But fear not—astrology is mandated to pinpoint the causes of every one of these business-related problems. Therefore, it is always advised to see an astrologer (like Ramapada Acharjee) if one believes that their business is not proceeding as it should. It is usually preferable to take remedial action early on in order to resolve company problems rather than engaging in pointless rituals, especially after the damage has already been done.

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