Astrological FAQ’s by Ramapada Acharjee
Ramapada Acharjee is a renowned and trusted astrologer in India who has been delivering his expert services in astro-sciences. He has been practicing astrology since 1993. This art has been in his family since many previous generations.
Ramapada Acharjee is Best Vedic Astrologer of 2023 – He is a Vedic Astrologer since 1993, and he is one of the best online astrologer. In his Vedic Astrology, he has been praised for accurately predicting key events in his clients’ lives such as marriage, career, love, and relationships.
In one way or another, Astrology is useful to nearly everyone. The www.ramapada.com site offers several kinds of interpretive reports, all of which can help you to see the pattern of a person’s life, the inner drive and meaning behind their behavior, their compatibility, and their ability to get along with others.
The basic premise of Astrology supports a respect for diversity. Once you come to understand that people aren’t defined by their Sun sign (“I’m a Leo”), you’ll begin to understand that every individual is a unique mix of all 12 signs, just in different proportions. So, if we don’t understand someone else’s behavior, we can more easily cut them some slack (“Hmmm … I wonder how the world appears to a triple Scorpio!”), learn something new about the human condition, and get along better as a result. Astrology helps us to better appreciate and respect — not just intellectually understand — the wondrous variability among human beings in a way that is difficult to achieve with other tools.
People use Astrology in many different ways — from investing in the stock market, to making business decisions, to analyzing political situations and social movements. The applications of Astrology are almost endless.
Birth times are important because the planetary and cosmic forces that govern Astrology are in constant motion. Depending upon the specifics of your unique situation, the difference of even an hour can affect the accuracy of your Astrology Report. Critical factors like your Moon sign and your Rising sign (the Ascendant) change location in the zodiac or rotate significantly throughout the course of the day. Astrologers use the exact placement of these items and other key indicators as a basis for the most detailed and specific interpretations.
Good sources of birth time information are your birth certificate, your mom or dad, a baby book or the hospital records where you were born (usually the most accurate source). If you can’t locate the exact moment of birth, try to get as close as you can. (Lots of moms remember the approximate time their children were born, if not the exact minute.)
If you don’t have your exact birth time right now, go ahead and order your report without it. Your report will be slightly shorter than a birth time report, but still very accurate.
A chart wheel is a visual representation of the position of planets in the sky at the time of your birth. Your chart wheel is divided into twelve sections, which are referred to as “houses”. The planets reflect types of energies and how they express themselves and the houses represent the areas of life or the circumstances in which those energies express.
The Sun sign represents your basic essence and vitality. It’s how you experience your ego, and the traits in your Sun sign speak to qualities you’re learning to embody.
The Moon sign represents your emotional and instinctive nature. It’s how you experience nourishment and safety. It’s what you need to feel fulfilled.
The Rising sign, or your Ascendant, is what we like to call the “cover of your book.” It reveals the qualities you most visibly show to others upon first impression. While this cover is definitely not the entire story, it does provide significant information about how you approach your world.
Astrology recognizes 10 bodies as “planets”: The Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and, yes, Pluto. But what about Earth, you ask? Astrology is Earth-centric — meaning it’s about the view of these other 10 planets from our place on Earth, which remains constant in the cosmos.
Each planet carries a different energy, and the locations of these planets throughout the cosmos can influence what happens in and around us here on Earth.
The “houses” of your birth chart help to pinpoint a planet and a zodiac sign’s specific influence over your life. For example, you may have the planet Venus in the sign of Aries, and your best friend might have her Venus in Aries too — but they probably fall in different houses in your individual birth charts, thereby impacting entirely different areas of your life with that Venus in Aries energy — which makes you entirely different people.
The houses are based on your exact time of birth, and each of the 12 houses of Astrology relate to a different part of your life, from your relationships to your communication style to your connection with spirituality.
As planets move through the universe, they form angles to one another. These angles indicate the relationship between two planets and how they will work together.
Six of the most common Astrology aspects are: conjunctions, sextiles, squares, trines, quincunxes, and oppositions. Some planetary aspects are harmonious and favorable, while others are stressful and unfavorable.
Astrologers use these aspects to predict the energy and events in everything from your daily horoscope to massive shifts in the world.
(Based on my 29 years of experience in astrology)
- The person’s real name and address (as per his Aadhaar card) should be there on his website.
- A lot of people use fake degrees to make their names appear more attractive. Dr., PhD.,Guruji, Guruma, Gold Medalist, Baba, Maharaj, etc. Are common titles used by people claiming to be Astrologers? One should always check their authenticity in order to avoid being fooled.
- These days, most people having any device with an internet connection download free software from the web and start seeing clients without any knowledge of astrology, whatsoever. The number of such people has increased vastly during this lockdown, probably because of unemployment and agreed to sell a couple of gemstones, amulets, etc.
- If somebody claims to have experience in this field (of 15-20 years), one should always try to cross-check whether this is true or not.
- It should be checked whether the ‘astrologer’ is consulting clients at an authentic location or not. These days, many people rent chambers for a couple of days to fool people, sell them fake gemstones and then run away.
- One shouldn’t blindly judge the authenticity/popularity of an Astrologer simply by looking at the number of reviews that that person has on Google. One should at least try to check if that review came from an authentic account or not.
- There are a lot of institutions coming up these days, which take money from ‘Astrologers’ and arrange for them to take prizes from famous celebrities including actors and politicians. These ‘Astrologers’ then use the photo of getting these prizes from the celebrities to use in posters, advertisements, etc. And thus gain popularity by showing the clients that the celebs depend on them too. So, before believing these posters blindly, try to check their truthfulness first.
- I believe that one can know a lot about an astrologer’s authenticity, popularity, reputation, etc. By what the people in his/her neighborhood say about him/her. It just helps in getting a better knowledge about the kind of person who claims to solve other’s problems, as I believe that in order to become a good Astrologer, one has to become a good human being first.
According to me, someone may have limited knowledge of astrology or Tantra; there is no shame in that. But presenting fake facts to the public is a crime in my eye, playing with someone’s belief is definitely a crime in my eye.
The Hindu system of astrology has the concept of fixed Zodiac. While in Western system of astrology the concept of moveable Zodiac is being utilized. In Indian Astrology, Ascendant or Lagna is worked out and the interpretation of horoscope is based on the Lagna. All the persons born in between 23 August to 22 Sep every year will belong to Virgo Sun Sign in Western Astrology. Particular time or place of birth is immaterial for them. Indian system of Astrology gives most accurate and true position of Zodiac at the time of birth.
Sun is far bigger than Moon. But due to proximity of Moon, it has direct and stronger magnetic field which affects the living beings on earth. As such, in Vedic Astrology, Moon is given more importance while in Western Astrology; Sun is the centre of considering various aspect of life.
Our great Rishi and Saints, through their ability of foresightedness, had established that the present birth is the result of our past deeds. Mrityu Lok or earth is the place where a person has to reap the results of his past karmas. Before getting salvation or Moksha, one has to take birth again and again unless the effects of his past deeds are not neutralized.
Vedic astrology emphasizes on the existence of rebirth. According to Hinduism, the present life of a person is the reflection of his past deeds of his earlier life. Past or accumulated deeds (karmas) create the circumstances and existence of his present life. The connection between the present and the former life can be understood through astrology. Hence astrology is directly connected to this fundamental aspect of Hinduism.
The fifth house of a horoscope reflects the accumulated karmas of the native’s previous life. Sufferings due to placement of malefic planets or house in a chart are indicative of this theory.
Vedic Astrology is based on Moon Sign as well as on Ascendant and its lord. Western Astrology is based on the movement of Sun in various signs. Practically, it has been experienced, that Moon being in close proximity with our earth directly governs the emotions and though process of an individual and hence his actions. So Moon based astrology is found to be more accurate so far as predictions are concerned.
1st, 4th, 7th, 10th are considered Kendra house of a chart. 5th and 9th house are known as Trikona houses. These six houses are very powerful houses. Trikona houses are considered to be the most fortunate places. Yogakaraka is that planet which has ruler ship over both a Kendra house as well as a Trikona house. As such any planet that holds ruler ship of both a Kendra and a Trikona house is going to have a powerful and positive effect on the life of an individual.
Neecha means weak or debilitated and Bhanga means cancellation. As such Neecha Bhanga means the cancellation of effect of debilitated or very weak planet in a horoscope. Instead of giving bad results due to its debilitated state, such planets give most beneficial results due to Neecha Bhanga. The following general conditions apply for Neecha Bhanga:
Let us look at the sign which has been occupied by the debilitated planet. If the ruler of this sign is in Angular ((Kendra) position from the Moon or the Ascendant (Lagna), Neecha bhanga applies.
If the ruler planet of this sign (see 1 above) is in exalted state and is also placed in Angular (Kendra) position from the Moon or Ascendant (Lagna).
If the ruler planet of the sign occupied by the debilitated planet has the aspect of the same.
If the debilitated planet is found in exalted state in the Navamsha Chart.
Panchak is period of around five days when Moon transits five constellations of Aquarius & Pisces signs each month. These nakshtras are:
- Dhanishtha (Last two parts),
- Shatbhisha,
- Purvabhadrapada,
- Utrabhadrapada and
- Revati
Some auspicious activities should be avoided during this period. These include: traveling in south direction, storage of wood or Ghee etc, building house, purchasing bed and funeral of body. Death of person during panchak is considered very inauspicious. Certain rituals are performed by the Brahmins during cremation of such body to avoid recurrence of such happenings in near future.
Ishta Devta is one who helps in getting salvation. Navmansa plays important role in finding out Ishta Devta in a horoscope. Planet having the highest longitude is known as Atmakarak. The position of Atmakarka in Navmansa chart is Karkamnsa and ruling deity of 12th from Karkamnsa is Ishta devta.
It is a reverse process of calculating your date of birth and time from your palm reading.
Preparing a Karo Kushthi is a very specialized skill because the one who delivers it doesn’t have access to your birth time or birth date. Just by reading you, to be precise the lines on your palm, the Karo Kushti expert tells you about which way your life is heading to. And surprisingly, the birth charts prepared by the Karo Kushthi astrologer is often accurate.
In cases like these, an astrologer uses a solar sign chart. That is, in case no birth records are available or can be accessed, this is the chart astrologers resort to. Juxtaposition of inferences are put into effect because the solar sign chart assumes that you were born around sunrise. Astrologers use this particular chart to write daily horoscopes in newspapers. And if the predictions made in those newspaper sun signs weren’t often coming true, why then do you open that page every Sunday? It is a good symbolic chart where all planets are in their correct sign and in correct relationship to each other. More importantly, the symbolic part means the areas of the chart the planets fall in – these are known as houses — represent general information on your personality. This is removed from being in the specific house they were in if we had accurate birth time. Even when astrologers have an accurate birth time, this type of chart is useful. There could be just one stumbling block. And that is, the inaccuracy might be the sign the moon was in when you were born. As we know, the moon moves relatively quickly, about 1 degree every two hours. Consider this situation. If you were born on the day the moon changed signs, there is a possibility your moon could be in either the previous or the subsequent sign. It is no big secret that the moon is associated with a variety of life’s aspects — emotions, family, nurturing, relationships, cancer, stomach, Monday, etc. As a result, if you were born late in the evening, no matter whether you know the time of your birth or not, this chart pretends you were born at sunrise. Yet, this chart is often proved as valid as your accurate birth time.
Another process that Karo Kushthi astrologers engage is called rectification. This is about making forays into major events in one’s life to adjust the chart to fit the events. Births, deaths, winning sweepstakes, accidents, a significant move in life like a job break are among some of these events. .
And then comes Cosmobiology. This is a branch of astrology that employs a 90 degree circle rather than the common 360 degree circle used by most astrologers. This branch of astrology does not use birth time. Still, it is widely believed that that a good cosmobiologist astrologer can come up with excellent readings.
There is no such thing like a ‘best astrologer’. Every astrologer has his unique method of making predictions. Just enquire is the astrologer experienced and he do not have any fake identity in every social platforms and in his website also. Verify his address and everything which satifies you for your belief. Because whoever the astrologer is, you must have belief on him.